Scraping webmaps with web2qgis

qgis2web turns QGIS projects into webmaps. I wondered if one could write code to do the same thing in reverse—scrape a webpage for webmaps, and import any maps it found into a QGIS project.
Though I’ve never used one myself, I know that webscapers are A Thing. People use them to scrape content from third-party websites, allowing them to republish it on their own sites. I assume that the fundamental idea is to scrape the content without the style.
A webmap scraper?
When described as such, a webmap scraper sounds rather an esoteric tool. But how about allowing a QGIS user to open a webmap in QGIS? They could then amend it and republish it elsewhere. Sounds powerful to me, and potentially of great use.
This is what web2qgis does. It’s in the earliest of early stages, and needs a great deal of work to become a useful tool. However, I think the proof of concept is valid, and more work on this QGIS plugin would be valuable.
Initial development
So how can this work? A QGIS plugin is written in Python, but a webmap is written in Javascript. One could try to analyse JS to try to pull out relevant information by using regular expressions, but this would be, to all intents and purposes, impossible, and the resulting output would still be a bunch of strings, rather than anything meaningful.
Injecting Javascript into a webpage
To do this properly, unless there was an amazing JS parser written in Python (an hour or so of auto-nerdsnipe later, I didn’t really fancy that), I needed to execute my own JS in the context of the webpage. My main eureka moment in the limited development of web2qgis was to realize that I had already used a JS parser in Python: QtWebKit.
What is QtWebkit?
Let’s break this question down. Qt is an open-source cross-platform framework for building software applications. It is what QGIS itself uses for its GUI (among other things). Because QGIS uses it, so do QGIS plugins such as qgis2web.
WebKit is an open-source web browser engine. The MacOS/OSX browser Safari uses it. QtWebKit is a Qt wrapper for WebKit. In other words, it allows you to build fully-featured web browser applications in Qt.
It’s worth noting that the recent history of QtWebKit is problematic for developers and users. Qt dropped it in favour of QtWebEngine, which uses Chromium instead of WebKit. However, QtWebEngine is nowhere near as fully featured as QtWebKit. QtWebKit was forked as a community project, and lives on. However, this can result in problems for users, and lends a certain uncertainty to it as a core dependency. My feeling is that since QGIS itself still uses QtWebKit, it’s safe to use it in my projects. It’s a constant nagging concern, though.
Using QtWebKit to inject JS
qgis2web uses QtWebKit for its preview window. In other words, it includes a complete browser implementation, so users can see and interact with their webmap within the plugin GUI before exporting.
This is the reason I didn’t immediately think of using it in web2qgis. I thought of it as a GUI element. However, one can use it to load a webpage without rendering it. This is what web2qgis does in PyQt, and then uses a simple QtWebKit method to execute JS:
webview = QWebView()
mainFrame =
This is the programmatic equivalent of loading
in a browser, opening the console,
and typing L.version
. If a Leaflet version is
returned, the webpage has a Leaflet map on it.
Note that the code above is simplified.
is asynchronous, so the code above
would try to run JS against the page before it had finished loading. The real
code handles this using the loadFinished
Simple scraping
Once the above code had confirmed that the target page contained a Leaflet map, I could run more JS against the page to start to pull back elements of the map to import:
(function (){
urls = [];
for(var key in window) {
var value = window[key];
if (value instanceof L.Map) {
for(var lyr in value._layers) {
if (value._layers[lyr] instanceof L.TileLayer) {
return urls;
This loops through the DOM to find an L.Map
, loops
through its _layers
, and builds a list of XYZ
layers called xyzs[]
. These layers can then be
added to QGIS:
self.iface.addRasterLayer("type=xyz&url=" + xyzs[0],
"XYZ layer",
When I first got this to work, my excitement was palpable.
Expanding functionality: more layer types
Once this minimal version was working, it was reasonably easy to build functions to handle other layer types, such as vector points and lines, and to start to bring in other aspects of the map, such as its extent.
I then started to build the equivalent functionality for OpenLayers webmaps,
detecting them with evaluateJavaScript("ol")
, and
parsing them in the same way.
This was already a useful tool, pulling in raster and vector layers. However, maps live and die on their symbology, so the next task was to try to import Leaflet styles.
Webmap styles are complex. For anything but the simplest static style, functions are used to style features within a layer according to criteria passed in as arguments and processed in JS. Plainly, my approach so far was not going to get very far. I needed to be able to convert JS functions into something I could then work with in Python to rebuild the styles in QGIS.
Fairly soon, I realized that I needed a full-on JS parser, written in JS. Esprima is the one I found, and I’ve been completely impressed by it. You pass JS to Esprima, and it parses it into an abstract syntax tree (AST). My understanding is that this is how browser JS engines themselves work, and I also had some familiarity with ASTs through Nathan Woodrow’s work on converting QGIS expressions into JS.
The beauty of this is that if you parse a page with Epsrima via a Python
QtWebKit evaluateJavaScript()
call, the returned
AST is a Python list. In other words, it handles the intelligent conversion
of a JS type to a Python type. In this case, it means that you can then use
Python’s strong list functions to walk the AST.
I then worked on ways in which to convert Leaflet style ASTs into QGIS renderers. However, although I got this working to some extent, it could not handle a common and fundamental styling technique—calling another function or functions within the main layer style function.
I got an initial version of this working. However, I stepped back, and realized I was starting to code for specific possible function patterns I knew well (often those exported by qgis2web). I knew what was really required was to parse the whole webpage in entirety, and then build a stack of more and more granular tests in the Python AST walking function to handle everything which was required.
In other words, this needed to become a significantly large subset of the functionality of a JS-to-Python converter.
That’s when I stopped work on web2qgis. It’s not that I can’t see where to go next. Nathan’s walk code has shown me how to build things up from an AST. It’s just that it feels so fundamental, and perhaps seems a more intimidating job than it actually is.
Where next?
Along with the necessary broadening out of the AST parsing process, and building more functions to support more map styles and elements, this could be an incredibly powerful QGIS Processing algorithm (hat-tip to Nyall Dawson for suggesting this on Twitter). The ability to scrape specific data from webmaps as one step in an automated processing pipeline is appealing.
If anyone would like to take a look at web2qgis and perhaps help to expand its currently limited functionality, I would, of course, be incredibly grateful. I think the idea has sigificant potential, and I do regret that the scale of the job intimidated me into putting it on hold.
Thanks are due to James Milner, Vladimir Agafonkin, Per Liedman, and Calvin Metcalf for help on Twitter during all this. Without it I would definitely not have got as far as I have.